Here we go….it’s Last Week at the Auction...America's Favorite Top 10 List of Auction Results from around the globe as hand selected by me Josh Levine, you host and guide to the world of auctions – This is Episode 7 of Season 2....and The Hottest You Tube Series and Social Media Sensation in the world….
Okay, the auction world.
And it’s the best part…. it’s the answer to everyone’s questions after an auction. What did that sell for? And why? So, in other words…. Emmy Award winning television.
And Yes...I got a great show for you today!
Welcome back subscribers and hello to newbies...We've got the goods...Amazing Auction Results, Fun Facts and so much more...I am telling you...Nothing is more interesting than The Auction World...and its so much better than watching the collapse of Our Western Civilization.
So, before you go Subscribe Below, leave a Comment, and please share. Because sharing is caring. And make sure you check out all the links below. I don’t type them for my health…. but for my love of you.
I am also thrilled to announce WHY DON’T YOU WANT MY STUFF was just released on Audio Book.
SHAMELESS PLUG! Let’s get on with it…. it’s LAST WEEK AT THE AUCTION.
Mirror, Mirror
#10 is a KARL SPRINGER CHROME & BRASS VANITY MIRROR $1100 @ Abell’s in LA….that’s right, you heard me $1100…for a 26”x19” Table Mirror….And it’s why you need to know your names and Mid Century Designers….Not a house hold name to many as many are not….Karl Springer was a very well-known designer and manufacturer of mid-century luxury furniture and accessories.
A German immigrant that dabbled in Telephone Tables and Picture Frames, early on. He was known for covering these in snakeskin & other exotic materials. A tell for his early work. He was discovered by the Duchess of Windsor and she became his first collector, and which really helped launch his career.
He went on to have showrooms in New York City, Miami, Los Angeles and even Tokyo. Not bad and I hope this $1100 mirror illustrates knowing your names for advertising and marketing really matters.
In Cars
#9 is a Mattel Hot Wheels Redline Classic Cord in Magenta that brought $1700 @ Toys Trains and Other Old Stuff in Fowler IN…I talk about Redlines Often.
These 70s Classics illustrate my point, that Nostalgia is money! They are highly prized & in demand & your mother might still have yours in the basement, attic or garage so go find them!
The Island Artists
#8 is a Signed FRITZ ROCK "HAITIAN SCENE" Oil on Canvas that brought $2500 @ DuMouchelles in Detroit. It was 16 by 48 and quite vibrant.
My point here is knowing trends in styles and desirability. The fact is finding out a lot out about most of these Haitian Artists is quite difficult. Although, not being household names or well documented, has not affected the growing demand over the past few years.
Really, for several reasons, but what you need to know, is be on the lookout, as it’s kind of industry secret. You can still pick these up an estate sales and yard sales for a song and make a few bucks.
If You Sell it, They Will Bid
#7 An Early Chicago Cubs Pennant just sold for $2750 @ Matthew Bullock Auctioneers in Ottawa Illinois. It looks to me like sports fans are not only itching for some baseball…you know I am…. Go Nat’s ! but paying a premium for great early Baseball pieces. It is Americana, it is a Sports Collectible, it is rare to have survived. That is checking all the collectible boxes in Flavortown.
Don't Recycle That Can !
Okay, my friends…. it’s about to get all Political here…..#6 Trumps Ale Flat Top Beer Can just sold for $5,750 @ Moreans in Brimfield Mass….it was c.1938, so 5 years after prohibition. So long after Donald’s Family was running illegal hooch. Or wait, that was the Kennedy Family. Donald’s family was supposedly the Brothels. So, what I am saying is....Trumps Beer…. for people that don’t touch the stuff….they Grab it !
Who's Joking
Here is a smooth transition…#5 A rare Heath Ledger as the Joker, signed photo sold for $10,236 @ RR Auction in Boston…
This is illustrating something I have touted before. Tragedy sadly influences value. When we lose someone too soon, there’s a couple of things that happen. They become a Legend and Icon to their fans and…the sad part, they will not be signing, creating rarity and oh yes, forgery.
Let me take 2 seconds to illustrate with sports collectibles…. Thurman Munson, Roberto Clemente, Lou Gehrig…all died too young and the values of their autographed collectibles eclipse their contemporaries for the most part. As these other legends continued to sign in their retirement. Meaning there is a ton of their stuff….
Only At Auction
#4 - Martha Stewarts Iconic Turkey Hill Kitchen brought $17,000 @ Kaminski Auctions in Beverly… Mass….and btw, This is the kitchen set where The Martha Show was filmed for years...the auction also featured the original Emeril Kitchen & several other test kitchens...
You are only going to find this stuff at auction…and that is a good thing.
What's That Say ?
#3 Is the great Ed Mell with Canyon Cottonwoods that sold for $18,000 @ Hindman in Denver CO.
This 36x36 oil on canvas is classic Ed Mell. I love his stuff. This is a case of recognizing a style and a signature…. I have seen people miss major scores on art or worse, give away a family heirloom because they did not know something Mom bought a few years back. The saw a western landscape and it was not there thing….so $500 at the estate sale…. $18,000 at the auction.
See the style…. a modernist, almost cubist approach…. now the signature…. does that look like “ed Mell” to you….no. But let me tell you…when you make a chunk of money off knowing that in the future…. you will not forget it.
Did I throw in Eds a local here in AZ, I have had the pleasure of meeting him a few times and such a great guy.
Ledger Doodle
Alright #2 - A Southern Cheyenne Ledger Drawing by Howling Wolf brought $85,000 @ Heritage in Dallas. c. 1875 this watercolor and ink on paper, included a stereo view of the Artist Howling Wolf.
These 19th Century mixed medias are referred to as “ledger” drawings basically because they were executed on the pages of old ledger or account books. Young Plains warriors (like Howling Wolf) learned to draw & memorialize their deeds in pictures….
They are the recollections of bravery and battles. Examples like this are highly sought after.
And sticking with Native American and Amazing Auction Records…how about No. 1
The Icon
#1 – The Quintessential Native American Tomahawk Sold for $540,000 @ Morphy's in Denver Pa....When one thinks of a Tomahawk, this is the one!
Prior to this sale, it was on display in the French and Indian War Exhibit and was a feature at the Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh, The Museum of Civilization in Ottawa, and the Smithsonian in Washington DC. That is provenance and that a half a million….
Wow…. that was a lot of fun…. Last Week at the auction !
And its time for VIEWER EMAIL….
This week's question comes from Albert D from Mesa AZ
Albert asks, “Do you think Art Pottery will ever comeback?”
I emailed you back to elaborate but I assume you mean, McCoy, Roseville, Weller and the like…. I say yes. Truly my opinion but there are cycles in everything. A lot of bad reproductions came out which hurt the market but “the real deal” pieces are out there and the markets soft. I think buying them now is a smart move. They are not making more and as design styles change the look will come back. It always does.
Love that question….
Thanks again everyone for your great questions and remember….you can always email me at ...unless I get wildly famous or a real job, I’ll answer it right away.
So, before you leave Subscribe Below…if Free! Give Me Thumbs Up and Post a Comment or Question.... I hope you enjoyed today's episode, check out all the great auction houses I talked about today’s show and give my book a free listen.
Until next week...or Last Week at the Auction!
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Anyway....that my update. If you ever need help an estate, just a free consult or a real estate agent. I would be thrilled to help you.
All my best!
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